The Importance of Having a Vision Board for Achieving Your Goals


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For some people, the thought of creating a vision board may sound and feel a little airy-fairy. However, importance of having a vision board from benefits point of view for people in a number of professions including business, sports, life coaching, health, education, and perhaps even a Job. A vision board is a visual representation of the goals you want to achieve for yourself.


A vision board is a collage of images, photos, and affirmations of your dreams, goals, and things that make you happy. It can also be called a ‘dream board’, ‘treasure map’ , or vision map. Creating a vision board can be useful to conceptualize your goals and serve as a source of motivation to make your dreams come true. It serves as a stepping stone to success, as you are able to chart out the next plan of action in a logical manner.

The Vision Board for Corporates
Every professional working in the corporate space must have a vision board. This will enable them to advance their prospects at the enterprise by undertaking relevant skilling prospects. It could also enable them to commence with a side-hustle to help improve their financial prospects. Vision Boards propel networking and communication, which eventually emerges as the gate-pass to success.

How to create a useful vision board:

Find pictures, quotes, and sayings that represent the goals, things, or feelings you want to have in the upcoming months or years. Your work vision board should be kept at work so you’ll be motivated throughout your workday. If you like your work vision board, make a personal vision board to keep at home as well. There are no “rules” when it comes to creating a vision board. You can use anything that has meaning to you.

  • Create a list of goals you want to complete in the upcoming and the following year. Spend some time thinking about what you want your business to look like or what you want to accomplish at work this upcoming year. Write down what you’ll need to accomplish to achieve those goals as well. Do you need to call 10 more people, research 6 more companies, or close 4 more sales a day? Breaking down what you need to accomplish each day or each week will make your goals seem more achievable.
  • Collect old magazines, find pictures online, or find some images laying around your home. Cut out pictures from the magazines that represent what goals you want to accomplish. Are you trying to reach a new promotion or level in the office? Find a picture of a ladder so you can climb to the top. If you want to meet more people around the office, a picture of friends out to eat may be perfect. The picture doesn’t need to be exact, you just need something that will inspire you.
  • Once you have all your photos, it is time to make a collage. Go to your local craft store and find a large poster board. Now you’ll have to arrange your findings on the board in a way that you find appealing. Be selective about what you place on your vision board. It’s a good idea to avoid creating a cluttered or chaotic board: you don’t want to attract chaos into your life. Your business board should stay organized so you can focus at work as well.
  • For some finishing touches, find “affirmation words” that represent how you want to feel. An affirmation is a positive statement or script that you can repeat for yourself just like a mantra. Your affirmations should have a positive focus.


How to use a vision board effectively:

  • Look at your vision board at least twice each day: The most important step is to look at your board once or twice EVERY DAY! This is to ensure you keep those goals in mind and continuously work toward them. Try looking at it once in the morning and once before you leave at the end of the day. This can help you create a focus for the day and see what you want to accomplish. You can also reflect at the end of the day and say, “What did I do today that helped me get one step closer to my goals?
  • Visualize achieving those things:  Imagine how great it will feel to finally have those items, experiences, and achievements in your life.
  • Add items that appeal to you:  As the days pass, you’ll have new ideas and come across new pictures and text that you’ll want to add to your vision board. Do it! This is a process and not a one-time event.
  • List action steps you’ve identified as most effective: A vision board is motivating, but it’s insufficient when it comes to changing your life. The actions you take are ultimately what matters. Identify the actions that will make your vision board a reality and actually do them!

A vision board can be a powerful tool for bringing positive change to your life. A vision board is highly motivating and focuses your attention on what you want. Anyone can use this powerful tool to experience more success in life.


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