Java Full Stack Developer Skills You Need to Master | EduBridge India


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The term, ‘Full Stack Java Developer’, sounds all very chic and fancy. But to accomplish this profile the learner needs to invest in a dint of hard work & understand which are the important Java Full Stack Developer Skills. Typically a full stack Java developer, is an all-rounder who looks into the front and back end processes, and also looks into the database and integration process. Considering the fact that the Full-Stack Java Developer, manages several tasks simultaneously, the profile is hot in demand in the job markets around the world. A good Full Stack Java Developer is multi-skilled, as he/she is armed with the necessary domain skills and soft skills. The muti-skilled professional help themselves to a sustainable career in the field.

The Current requirement 

The job market is rife with opportunities, especially for Full Stack Java Developers. Since very few people are armed with the requisite skill set it becomes quintessential to understand the know-hows that get involved in the making of a successful Full Stack Java Developer. In India, there is a growing demand of over 32% for Full Stack Java Developers.

Why are companies hot about hiring a Full Stack Java Developer? 

A good Full Stack Java Developer, is armed with varied skill-sets, and prove to be an asset to the organization. They are skilled enough to work on projects independently which in turn helps at minimising operational costs.

Technical skills required by a Full Stack Java Developer

To begin with a good Full stack Java Developer needs to have fantastic communication skills. They need to successfully implement the clients vision into the digital architecture. Some of the technical skills that you’ll require are as follows.

  • HTML/CSS – These two programs form the very basis of the building of any good website. HTML will aid at defining the structure of the webpage using markups. CSS is used as a basis to present the HTML elements. Since these two programs almost interdepend on one another it is used in the development of a prolific front-end.
  • Javascript – People often confuse Java with Java script, and both of these are two separate elements. Javascipt is essentially an object-oriented scripting language. It is used to add features to an application in conjunction with HTML. The Javascript is known for its versatility and is used for the front-end and back-end tasks. Javascipt is known to make the website even more responsive.
  • Back-end Languages like Python, PHP, Ruby – To comply with back-end requirements it is essential to know languages like Ruby, PHP, and Python. Infact Python is considered as a universal programming language, as it has a simple syntax and a well-defined framework. The language is now introduced at schools as well. Languages like Ruby, Python, and PHP are required to tie up the server side using the appropriate code.
  • Git, GitHub and Sourcetree – Git helps at managing the changes that are made on an application, code, document, or website. It serves as an open source web-hosting service. A profile on Github, will help the developer track even the minutest change made to any of the above-mentioned elements.


  • Databases and Web Storage – We have looked at the font-end and back end processes, but what we also need to look at is how the data is stored and from where it can be accessed. For this it is essential to understand the nuances of memory storage. A successful Full Stack Java Developer should be able to create, comprehend and manipulate the database query successfully. It is essential to understand rational and non-rational databases. It is important for a Full stack Java developer to be able to link the database to the back-end.
  • Web Architecture – As the name suggests the role implies everything that is done by a literal architect. The implementation includes everything from ensuring the code is well-structured, files are perfectly organzined and appropriately separated. It is necessary to understand the logistics of the file location, while simultaneously structuring data in databases and performing processes.
  • HTTP and REST – We often see the HTTP at the beginning of the web address. This allows the server to connect to end users and communicate with them. REST is the interface that ensures that HTTP fetches the data and performs the necessary operations in the desired format. REST API ensures that the front-end and the back-end are synchronised. 


Average Salary in India

If your skills are in place, let’s understand what the pay check for a Full Stack Java Developer looks like. In India, the national average salary of a Full Stack Java Developer stands at ₹6.6 lakhs annually. The range varies from ₹2.4 lakhs (at entry-level) – ₹19 lakhs annually. The factors that attribute the pay scale includes the experience, and also the organisation that you are working with. But the sills should be inclusive of domain and soft skills to enhance your experience and enrich your career growth path.


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