Investment Banker Salary in India


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What is Investment Banker?

Investment bankers are professionals in the finance industry who leverage their expertise, analytical abilities, and effective communication skills to assist institutional clients with tasks such as raising capital and managing mergers and acquisitions. They provide corporate finance services to a wide range of clients, spanning from startups to well-established entities, and in some instances, even government bodies. Whether employed by an investment bank or within an organization’s investment banking division, they play pivotal roles in the financial growth and advancement of businesses, organizations, or corporate entities. The term “investment banker” encompasses a broad spectrum of roles, ranging from entry-level positions to high-ranking roles like executive vice president.

What is the average salary of an Investment Banker in India?

The average investment banker salary in India is a topic of great interest, reflecting the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the financial industry in the country. India’s burgeoning economy, along with its rapidly developing financial markets, has created a robust demand for skilled professionals in investment banking. The compensation for investment bankers varies considerably depending on several factors, including their experience, the institution they work for, and the location of their employment.


Average Monthly Salary

The average monthly salary of an investment banker is ₹ 33,849 – ₹ 35,106/month as per the ambition box.

Average Annual Salary

According to Ambition Box, the salary of investment bankers in India varies from ₹2.0 Lakhs to ₹40.0 Lakhs annually, with an average yearly income of ₹4.5 Lakhs.

Average Annual Salary by Experience

The salary of investment bankers in India can vary based on their experience level. For those with less than one year of experience up to 11 years of experience, the salary range extends from ₹2.0 Lakhs to ₹40.0 Lakhs per year, with an average annual income of ₹4.5 Lakhs, as reported by Ambition Box.

What is the salary for an Investment Banker fresher?

For fresher salary of investment bankers in India ranges between ₹0.2 Lakhs to ₹9.0 Lakhs annually, with an average yearly income of ₹3.0 Lakhs, as reported by Ambition Box.


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