How to Become a Full Stack Java Developer: Skills Required in 2023


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Who is Java Full Stack Developer?

A web developer who develops the entire technology stack on Java is known as Java Full Stack Developer. Thorough knowledge of all three parts sets a Java Full Stack Developer apart from a Java Developer.

i.e. client-side (front-end), server-side (back-end) and database.

Following are some of the responsibilities of a Full Stack Java Developer:

  • Designing, developing and maintaining end-to-end Java-based programs
  • Getting involved in software analysis, testing, coding and debugging
  • Requirements to be transformed into stipulations
  • Recommending modifications or updates to the existing Java application
  • Technical designs to be developed for application development, etc.


How to Become a Java Full Stack Developer?

Becoming a Java Full Stack Developer requires to a have a mix of both soft and technical skills. Let’s look at some common steps for becoming a Java Full Stack Developer:

  • Java basics are a must

An object-oriented, high-level programming language and software platform which is widely used by developers- Java. Knowing the basics of Java is a must. Mastering the Java language may take a few years, but it is not impossible. Learning Java & getting a job is now easy with full stack developer course with placement guarantee course.

  • Learn both front-end and back-end technologies

To create an effective user interface, Java developers should learn front-end technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript and networks such as React, Angular, Vue.js.etc. To create solid back-end processes technologies like Spring, Hibernate, and JPA and knowing and learning database technologies like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB is also a must.

  • Apprenticeship to learn more

Each problem statement is different and hence providing multiple and creative solutions for the same is something that the Java developer will learn in apprenticeship. It gives a developer the to work with expert coders directly.

  • Learn about DevOps

DevOps version control, integration and deployment are something that a Java developer needs to learn as well. Developer needs to learn to use tools like Git, Jenkins, and Docker to help them with this.

Becoming a Java Full Stack Developer is no less than a full-stack developer. From understanding to delivering the project requirement successfully, both soft and technical skills are equally important. Here’s the visual representation of the roadmap for becoming a Java Full Stack Developer.


Technical skills are needed for creating, updating or modifying the codes and their applications. However, a basic understanding of the problem, possible solutions, consumer psychology, user behaviour, etc. is important in creating user-friendly software applications, and soft skills are necessary.
Here are some of the soft skills require to become a successful Java Full Stack Developer:

  • Communication skills

To convey complex technical information in a passionate and persuasive manner, communication skills are a must! Being a good listener will help you understand the requirement properly. Developer also needs to talk to other stakeholders about the progress of the requirement, communicate with other developers to stay abreast in the market, etc.

  • Problem-solving skills

The approach of a developer should be solution-oriented. Strong problem-solving skills will help a developer identify and resolve issues quickly and efficiently and come up with creative solutions. Coding errors and bugs are common in this profession but how quickly and efficiently a developer solves the problem is the matter.

  • Creativity

A developer needs to come up with original ideas to make the back end work seamlessly and improve the site loading time and thus making the front-end, user interface interactive. Creativity is what sets you apart in the business.

  • Time Management

A developer needs to learn what needs to be prioritized and manage time effectively. Many stakeholders are involved and the developers are answerable to them.

  • Details are important

Identifying the details meticulously will help the developer fix the issues and create successful software projects which meet and exceeds the expectations of the clients.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility

Java Full Stack Developers need to keep up with the latest trends and tools to come up with creative solutions.


Technical Skills Required to Become a Java Full Stack Developer

Now let’s look at some of the core technical skills required to be a Java Full Stack Developer

  • JavaScript

It is one of the most popular text-based programming languages.

Helps to make both the client-side and server-side webpages and mobile applications interactive. Javascript helps to make the pages interactive. It is the only programming language which can be executed on the server side with Node.Js and natively in the browser. Javascript helps to make the webpage dynamic and responsive by using the features like Angular or React.

E.g. Carousel option, changing the arrow button once the mouse hovers over it, pop-up ads, etc. are all done using JavaScript.


HTML (Hypertext markup language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript are used by Java Front-end Developers for designing and creating effective websites and applications. It is used for defining the structure of web pages. The developer needs to make the
e.g. Placement of images, how the navigation should work, etc. The responsibility of making the website user-friendly falls on his shoulder. CSS helps in the presentation of HTML elements.

E.g. Webpage is created using HTML code. But it is CSS which makes the page look visibility attractive. Background colour, margins, border colours, etc. to the webpages are done with the help of CSS.
Developers get the freedom to make webpages adaptable as per the different devices
(Laptop, mobile, tablet, etc. – screen resolution sizes).

  • Git and GitHub

Remember, Git and GitHub are not the same. Git is a tool that helps developers to manage, track and keep records of all the modifications made to the code. On the other hand, GitHub is an online platform that allows developers to store, share, and manage code with others. It helps the developers to access the code anytime, anywhere with an internet connection. GitHub helps you manage and access your Git repositories easily on its platform. Due to its cloud-based storage hosting, it acts as a collaboration platform for developers.

  • Back-end Languages

Programming languages used by the server side of the website. It ensures the smooth and seamless functioning of the front end of the application. The skills required for a Java back-end developer involve tasks such as building APIs, developing libraries, and working with system components that don’t involve user interfaces. Certain languages like PHP, C++, Java and Python are used for building back-end of the website. Along with the frameworks like Node.js, Express, Laravel, Spring, etc. Becoming a Full Stack Java Developer without mastering the essential languages and platforms is like getting a degree without attending classes – you might have the certificate, but you won’t have the skills to succeed in the real world.

  • Web storage and database

Web storage is DOM (Doument object model storage) – A standard JavaScript provided by web browsers. It helps to store data within the browser on the front end and data does not expire depending on the time or the session since it is stored locally.

The database is controlled and managed by (DBMS). The database refers to a digital collection of data that has been systematically organized and stored within a computer system. It is organized just like your Excel sheet with rows, columns, tables, etc. which makes it makes it easy to manage and modify as and when required.

  • Web Architecture

Helps developers to create a design which includes every aspect of the component used in the application for enhancing user experience. It functions as the base of each application. Components which are commonly used are design, user experience, software, monetization, efficiency, etc. Both the front-end and back-end are equally important.

  • Spring Frameworks

It is an open-source application that handles infrastructure and provides support in developing Java applications. Spring Framework requires several dependencies to create a web application. It helps in building applications from plain old Java objects (POJOs) and Aspect-Oriented Programming. It compliments working with the JavaEE7 framework too.

  • DevOps

DevOps is a unification and automation of processes which helps in building processes within a project. In simpler terms, it increases the ability to deliver applications. The projects are greatly expedited using the tools Jenkins, Docker and Kubernetes.


  • HTTP and REST

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is crucial and unavoidable when it comes to becoming a Full Stack Java Developer. It acts as a base for WWW i.e. World Wide Web which helps to transfer information to other networked devices.

e.g. Anything the user searches on the www is the client side and the information which is gathered and presented to the user is via the server side.

REST is Representational State Transfer. A developer can exchange and make use of the information including pictures and videos. The information can be requested by the client using REST API, and the server responds by using these resources in the present standardised format. It is machine-to-machine communication. The API defines a set of rules and protocols for accessing and interacting with web resources, making it a flexible and scalable approach for building modern web applications.

  • Software Design and Architecture

Software design takes care of the external interface and interactions with the elements on the website or application. It works as a blueprint in the development process. It helps the developer with detailed design, coding, integration, and testing. It negotiates system requirements and sets expectations with customers, marketing, and management personnel.

Managing the system complexity and establishing a communication and coordination mechanism among components is done by software architecture keeping in mind the factors such as business strategy, human dynamics and IT environment. Hence, it is a blueprint of a system.
Some common patterns used for building software architecture are- Layered patterns, Client-Server patterns, Event-driven patterns, Microkernel patterns, etc.

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  • React and Angular

React and Angular are two popular front-end web frameworks.

React is an open-source JavaScript UI library more than a framework. It is also known as React.js or ReactJS. Because of its new technology, React requires less coding and offers more functions. It offers an easy debugging process, codes are reusable and creating a dynamic website is easier. It supports both iOS and Android platforms. Updates are faster on both the back end and front end.

Angular is an open-source JavaScript developed and maintained by Google Angular. It is popularly used in developing high-performing mobile and web applications using HTML CSS and TypeScript. It is also used in developing interactive applications like social media, healthcare, e-commerce, online banking, etc.

  • JVM internals

JVM is an abbreviation for Java Virtual Machine. Java programmers can develop Java code on one system and run it on any other Java-enabled system without adjustment. This is possible because of JVM.

Java applications are called WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere). The Java code is compiled into byte code using- the .java file and .class files. This .class file can use execute any function of JVM and is powered by any platform or operating system.

  • Kotlin

Both Java and Kotlin are object-oriented programming languages but their usage is different.

In simple terms, Kotlin is used to develop Android applications and Java is used to develop organizational applications. Android applications which use Kotlin have 20% fewer chances of crashing. The development quality and efficiency are much more with Kotlin due to its less usage of code lines which saves time.

Coroutines are added in Kotlin which helps in seamless asynchronous programming and making network calling and database updates very simple. Kotlin and Java compile to the same bytecode, such that they can work together seamlessly on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) hence, it makes the preferable language for Java developers.

  • Design Patterns

Design patterns are solutions to common software design problems that can be customized for specific situations. They guide developers on how to solve a problem rather than an off-the-shelf solution that can be copy-pasted. Pattern descriptions include Intent, Motivation, Structure, and Code examples to simplify their use.

  • Java Server Pages

It is a server-side technology and it is worked in the back end. For creative web applications and dynamic web content Java Server Pages use tags to employ and insert Java codes in HTML pages. Its features majorly include flexibility, portability and easy maintenance of the codes since they are independent of the browser and server.


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