How Cloud Computing Changes The Tech Workforce


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Given how cloud solutions have profoundly transformed the way we invest, use, and manage business systems. The question is,  do enterprises really require IT departments?

This is often wondered because operating technology solutions in the cloud are clearly different. It is more about developing and implementing business rules than it is about technological configuration. We don’t need to size servers and storage because we can scale up and down as needed in the cloud. We no longer need to configure operating systems or write code since cloud providers do it for us. We’ve discovered that capable, tech-savvy business users can quickly deploy and operate a wide range of cloud-based systems — from ERP to CRM to accounting and finance — with little professional help.

Cloud Computing


As with other big technological revolutions (such as the switch from mainframe to mini to PC to client/server), this is affecting the IT workforce. Some roles have become more important. Strong network administrators and security specialists, for example, are in great demand because defending the organization relies on successfully administering security rules because a lot of technical labor is being outsourced, business analysts and architects are also increasingly valuable, especially those with cross-functional, cross-solution experience, and their mix of technology and business acumen is precious.

Furthermore, the distinctions between IT and business functions are becoming increasingly hazy. Many business analysts are transitioning into hybrid business analyst/implementation specialists, meaning they understand business processes and can build software-as-a-service platforms to satisfy requirements. We’re seeing more of them living in the business, where they can learn the details of a department’s functions and configure technologies to produce maximum value.

Unfortunately, certain in-house IT roles are being phased out. With fewer (if any) on-premise servers and no data center, most businesses no longer require server and system administrators, just as they did once the Y2K dust cleared. IT leaders must decide whether the workers in these jobs will be upskilled, transferred to other positions, or exited the organization.

Putting Together a Cloud-Enabled Workforce

Whether we like it or not, the cloud is changing the game. While new grads have been immersed in the cloud through the widespread use of online learning and collaboration platforms, many of our finest employees are still learning about it. Many of the talents that make those technical employees excel in their current employment, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and natural curiosity, are all transferable (and highly needed) in a more cloud-centric environment. So, how do you foster cloud fluency in your company?

Accenture states that “if you want to speak cloud, you must immerse yourself in it.” The simplest method to assist your workers with this is to spin up services and give them hands-on experience. The main three cloud platforms — Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure — provide a wide range of services, but their products differ slightly, making being fluent in even one vendor’s offerings difficult.

To help people, the suppliers have created role-based learning routes. Workers who wish to delve deeper into the technical components of cloud computing, for example, can do so by pursuing the curriculum for architect, developer, DevOps engineer, or operations jobs. Those who are more interested in implementing business processes on the cloud can pursue study courses for positions such as AWS’s cloud practitioner or Azure’s business analyst.



We’ve also seen the value of developing generalists rather than experts because many cloud-based corporate technologies provide the capability that crosses traditional departmental boundaries. Many organizations are focused on assisting individuals who have specialized in one business unit or technology solution to broaden their knowledge and skills across departments and solutions — to learn how things fit together within the organization and where processes and data integrate cross-functionally. Skilled generalists are able to comprehend the larger business context. They can apply what they know in one department to teach other departments how to use a service. As a result, they are more flexible and resilient. And for technologists who want to learn more about business, now is an excellent moment to obtain an MBA or a certificate course from Edubridge, which will round out their knowledge of a specific company’s operations with more generalizable and marketable business skills.

Workers who are open to change, keen to jump on the cloud bandwagon, and eager to learn new skills will be the most successful. However, as with any substantial change, not everyone will agree. If you have employees who have extensive corporate knowledge but lack the capacity or inclination to learn new skills, you may decide to keep them on as subject matter experts for a limited period. They may still make the move if they gain a sufficient understanding of cloud technologies and operations. If they don’t, treat them nicely and do everything you can to assist them to find another job.


One of the favorite sayings is “change is the only constant,” and this has been a universal truth in business for the past few decades. This is hardly the last significant labor change that technological developments will bring about. We can expect more rapid transformation in the future. Every change that affects people will cause difficulties. To ensure cloud and commercial success, we must constantly be prepared to meet those issues head-on.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, it’s essential to ensure your workforce has the skills they need to work in the cloud. With Edubridge’s cloud computing courses, you can give your employees the knowledge and expertise they need to thrive in this new era of tech.


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