Difference Between Hadoop And Big Data


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In the modern digital age, there is a tonne of data all around us. Just stating that data is present everywhere will do. E-commerce and social media were created due to the Internet’s rapid development into the Internet of Things (IoT) and the widespread use of electronic media. As a result, enormous amounts of data have been produced, and are still being produced daily. Nevertheless, data is useless unless you possess the expertise to analyse it. Most of the data in its current state is user-generated information and is therefore raw data that needs to be examined and saved. Many sources, including social media, embedded/sensory systems, machine logs, e-commerce websites, etc., generate data.

One of the key areas of interest for newcomers is the connection between Hadoop and big data. And it’s quite amazing how these two linked concepts differ from one another. Big data is a beautiful resource that is useless without a manager. Asset handler Hadoop maximises the value of the asset. Before delving into their differences, let’s take a closer look at each.

Big Data

What is Big Data

Big Data is a term used to describe a collection of extremely massive and complicated data sets that are challenging to analyse and maintain using standard data application services or data management tools. The approaches for viewing, analysis, transfer, sharing, finding, storing, filtering, and collecting are only a few of the challenging parts of it.

There are many uses for big data in a variety of industries, including banking and finance, information technology, retail, telecommunications, transportation, and medicine. Big Data faces numerous difficulties, including protecting it, computing enormous amounts of data, and storing enormous amounts of data.

Big Data may be utilised for a variety of purposes, including fraud detection, sentiment analysis, fraud prevention, research, and education. The decision-making process within a company is greatly impacted by big data. To increase their ability to make decisions, numerous businesses from a variety of industries are gradually converting to big data, whether they are in the banking or insurance sectors, business-to-business transactions, or advertising.

Application and use of big data:

  • social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook.
  • transportation, such as aeroplanes and trains.
  • systems for health care and education.
  • Agriculture-Related Issues.

What is Hadoop

Hadoop is a free and open-source software application for distributing storing and processing Big Data across massive clusters of shared hardware. Hadoop is licenced under the Apache v2 licence. The MapReduce system was the basis for the creation of Hadoop, which makes use of functional programming ideas.

The most advanced Apache projects are Hadoop, a Java-based project. The connection between Big Data and Hadoop is one of the most talked-about topics among beginners. It’s amazing how these two notions differ from one another yet are closely related. Big data is a tremendous asset, but it is useless if not handled properly.

one of the primary factors influencing Hadoop’s rising popularity. Hadoop, in contrast to many other frameworks, can successfully divide a consumer’s job into numerous independent subtasks. Afterwards, multiple subtasks are allocated to the data components. This makes it possible to convert a small amount of code into information, which reduces network traffic.

It consists of three parts:

  • HDFS: Dependable storage system that houses data from half of the planet.
  • MapReduce: A distributed processing layer.
  • Yarn: The resource manager layer.

Hadoop Vs Big Data Key Differences

Hadoop is a framework for storing and processing big data, while big data is a term used to describe large and complex data sets that are difficult to process using traditional methods. Hadoop can be used to process big data by dividing it into smaller blocks that can be processed in parallel. This makes Hadoop well-suited for processing large data sets quickly and efficiently.

Parameters Big Data Hadoop
Definition Big Data is simply a lot of information, whether it is organised or not. Hadoop is a framework for conceptualising Big Data in a more useful way.
Significance After it has been analysed, big data has little value unless it can generate revenue. Big Data may be managed and processed in large quantities using the Hadoop platform.
Ease of access Big data accessibility is limited and big data access is complicated. The Hadoop framework offers quicker data processing and accessibility as compared to other options.
Capacity Big Data is extremely challenging to store since information frequently exists in structured and unstructured formats. Large volumes of data can be stored in Apache Hadoop HDFS.
Users Big Data is used by both Facebook, which generates 500 TB of data every day, and the airline sector, which produces 10 TB of data every half-hour. 2.5 quintillion bytes of information are produced worldwide each year. Hadoop is used by IBM, AOL, Amazon, Facebook, and Yahoo, among other businesses.
Accessibility Big data is hard to access. The Hadoop framework can be used to process and retrieve data more quickly.
Veracity Big Data has so many different formats and amounts of data that it is insufficiently structured to be processed efficiently and understood, hence it cannot be fully depended upon to make any correct decisions. Hadoop is a tool that may be used to process, analyse, and improve decision-making.

Advantages of Big Data

If big data management is done properly, it may be advantageous to businesses of all sizes and in all industries. Many advantages of big data and analytics include enhanced decision-making, continuous improvement, and optimum product sales. Let’s examine the key advantages in detail:

  1. Client Retention and Acquisition

Customers’ digital footprints leave a large information about their choices, needs, purchasing tendencies, etc. Big data is used by businesses to track consumer trends and then customise their goods and services to meet the needs of each customer. As a result, there is significant growth in revenue, brand value, and customer care.

  1. Identification of Possible Hazards

Businesses operate in high-risk environments, thus they require effective risk management solutions to handle issues. Big data is vital for building effective risk management processes. Big data makes difficult judgements more efficient for unforeseen events and potential dangers.

  1. Difficulty of Supplier Networks

Big data-using businesses provide supplier networks or B2B communities with increased accuracy and insight. Big data analytics can be used by suppliers to get beyond the limitations they frequently experience. Using more intricate contextual knowledge is made possible by big data for suppliers, which is essential for success.

  1. Concentrated and specific promotions

Big data makes it possible for businesses to customise their offerings for their target market without having to spend a fortune on unsuccessful advertising campaigns. Big data can be used by organisations to track POS transactions and online sales and analyse consumer trends. Using these insights, focused and targeted marketing strategies are created to assist businesses in meeting consumer expectations and fostering brand loyalty.

  1. Cost-effectiveness

The cost advantages big data systems like Hadoop and Spark provide for storing, processing, and analysing massive amounts of data are among their most alluring features. The cost-saving potential of big data is demonstrated by a case study from the logistics industry.

  1. Enhance Performance

Big data strategies could increase operational effectiveness. You can gather a vast amount of invaluable customer information by connecting with customers and benefiting from their astute commentary. Analytics can then use the data to produce products that are tailored to the customer by identifying major trends. By automating tedious procedures and operations, the technologies free up employees’ time to work on tasks demanding learning capabilities.

Advantages of Hadoop

Advantages of Hadoop

Hadoop is one of the solutions for handling this enormous amount of data since it can quickly extract information from data. Hadoop has advantages and disadvantages when it comes to handling big data. Let’s examine some of its main advantages:

  1. Scalability

Hadoop is a very scalable model. A large volume of data is shared among numerous reasonably priced processors and processed simultaneously in a cluster. The quantity of these gadgets or nodes may be increased or decreased based on the demands of the company. Traditional Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) cannot scale their systems to handle massive amounts of data.

  1. Fault Tolerance

Commodity hardware, which is cheap and prone to malfunction at any time, is used by Hadoop to operate its software. By duplicating data across multiple DataNodes in a Hadoop cluster, Hadoop provides data availability even if one of your systems crashes. You can still read all the data from a single computer even if it has a technical issue. In a Hadoop cluster, data is replicated or copied by default, so it can be read from other nodes.

  1. Low Network Traffic

Each task in the Hadoop cluster is divided into a variety of smaller subtasks, which are then allocated to each available data node. Low traffic in a Hadoop cluster results from the small amount of data processed by each data node.

  1. Cost

Unlike traditional Relational databases, which need expensive hardware and high-end CPUs to handle Big Data, Hadoop is open-source and uses affordable commodity technology, providing a cost-efficient solution. Hadoop offers us two key cost advantages: first, it is open-source, which means it is free to use; second, it employs commodity hardware, which is also cheap.

  1. Agility

Any dataset, including structured (MySQL), unstructured (pictures and videos), and semi-structured (XML, JSON) can be used with Hadoop to great success. Businesses can utilise Hadoop to examine valuable data insights from sources like social media, email, etc. thanks to how readily massive datasets can be processed by it.

  1. Exceptional Throughput

Due to the distributed file system employed by Hadoop, it is possible to delegate various jobs to various data nodes within a cluster, leading to high throughput data processing. The amount of work completed in a given amount of time is known as throughput.


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